It's Easy to Understand
The basic policy position of the GPPC is that we fully support any legislation that wholly supports improvement in the quality of life for people living with mental health concerns by actions that: protect individual rights and civil liberties, improve access to quality care and supports for health and mental health concerns; increase opportunities to live and work in the environments we choose; reduce stigma; and increase awareness that recovery from mental health concerns is not only possible, it is likely.
If legislation does not do any of these things, but does not do anything likely to cause hurt or harm to people living with mental health concerns, we as a group have no opinion.
If legislation does pose a significant risk of hurt or harm to people living with mental health concerns, including through the increased risk of interaction with law enforcement, we as a group will oppose it.*
* Because all people, but especially people of color, are at a higher risk of experiencing harm during apprehension, arrest, or detention.